Why should students limit their use of internet and social media?

Today’s teenagers are spending an average of eight-nine hours of screen time, which has gone up by 60% -100% during the Covid-19 pandemic. Teenagers have been spending more time on the internet to complete online activities as part of home-schooling, general reading, socializing with peers, spending time on social media or playing video games given that many outdoor activities may be restricted due to lockdowns. 

High exposure to the internet and social media, while being informative, many times leads to addiction to specific platforms like addiction to Facebook or WhatsApp. Teenagers can be particularly vulnerable to the harms associated with excessive internet time or addiction to social media including unhealthy sedentary lifestyles, impaired sleep as they spend long hours on the internet, behavioural problems, ability to focus and complete school tasks on time, exposure to harmful content, cyberbullying or engagement in online gambling. 

Today’s teenagers continue to use social media and spend excessive time on the internet. Many times, they are unaware of its harmful influence or in some other cases, they have the ‘fear of missing out. We have seen that internet time takes priority in a person’s life over basic functions such as eating, sleeping, personal hygiene and exercise. A teenager needs to ask himself or herself a set of simple questions to find out if he or she is preoccupied with social media or not. The questionnaire can revolve around preoccupation, tolerance, conflict with family or friends, and deception, i.e., lying to family members.

Teenagers need to control the usage of the internet and social media. Limiting the internet and social media usage can be done by use of technology (one can define a fixed time for daily usage) and by finding alternative interests like reading, playing the guitar or physical fitness activities. Adopting alternate interests will help teenagers in overall development, including physical fitness and help them avoid an unhealthy lifestyle.

That’s all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.
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